Position Vacancies
Download the Faculty Application.
Job ID | Title | Closing Date | Location |
232437702003 | Associate of Applied Science Degree in Nursing Instructor | Until Filled |
Eagle Pass |
232436702001 | Associate of Applied Science Degree in Nursing Instructor | Until Filled |
Uvalde |
232446701002 | Biology Instructor | Until Filled |
Del Rio |
232507710101 | Director of Patient Care Technician Program | Until Filled |
Uvalde |
232421701001 | Economics Instructor | Until Filled |
SWTX Service Area |
232420701003 | Math Instructor | Until Filled |
Eagle Pass |
242516702601 | Surgical Technology Clinical Coordinator | Until Filled |
Uvalde |
242514702303 | Truck Driving Instructor | Until Filled |
Eagle Pass |
Click the Faculty Application button below to download it to your computer.
Part-Time (Adjunct)
Job ID | Title | Closing Date | Location |
222222222222 | Part-time Patient Care Technician Instructor | Until Filled | SWTX Uvalde Service Area |
Download the Staff Application.
Job ID | Title | Closing Date | Location |
Click the Staff Application button below to download it to your computer.
Job ID | Title | Closing Date | Location |
222222222222 | STEM Mentor | Until Filled | SWTX Service Area |
Please submit an application, a cover letter, a resume, and any new transcripts you may not have on file with Southwest Texas College.
Internal Only
Job ID | Title | Closing Date | Location |
232437702003 | Associate of Applied Science Degree in Nursing Faculty | Until Filled | Eagle Pass |
232436702001 | Associate of Applied Science Degree in Nursing Faculty | Until Filled | Uvalde |
232446701002 | Biology Faculty | Until Filled | Del Rio |
232507710101 | Director of Patient Care Technician Program | Until Filled | Uvalde |
232421701001 | Economics Instructor | Until Filled | SWTX Service Area |
232420701003 | Math Instructor | Until Filled | Eagle Pass |
242516702601 | Surgical Technology Clinical Coordinator | Until Filled | Uvalde |
242514702303 | Truck Driving Instructor | Until Filled | Eagle Pass |
Internal Part-Time (Adjunct)
Job ID | Title | Closing Date | Location |
Courtesy Postings are listed for one (1) month after the Posted Date for each listing unless the Organization notifies SWTX that the position is no longer vacant.
Title | Organization | Posted Date |
The Human Resources Office is located in the Rodolfo R. and Dolores Flores Student Services Building (Building A).
With respect to the employment and promotion of teaching and non-teaching personnel, it is the policy of Southwest Texas College not to discriminate either in favor of or against any person on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, including gender, gender identity, pregnancy and sexual orientation, age, disability or genetic information, and veteran status. An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution.
Please mail, fax, or e-mail your documents.
Terrie Dube, Human Resources Director, Southwest Texas College, 2401 Garner Field Road, Uvalde, TX 78801. It is the applicant’s responsibility to verify the status of a position. Submit the following required documents: (1. Letter of intent, (2. SWTX Application, (3. Resume, (4. Copy of Transcripts (official transcripts are required if hired). All documents become the property of SWTX.
Phone: (830) 591-7330
Fax: (830) 591-7340
E-mail: human.resources@swtjc.edu