Student Right-to-Know & Campus Security Act

Student Right-to-Know & Campus Security Act

In compliance with the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act (the Act), 20 USC §§1092(a), (e) and (f), as amended, the college collects specified information on campus crime statistics, campus security policies, and institutional completion or graduation rates. Pursuant to the federal law, alleged victims of violent crime are entitled to know results of campus student disciplinary proceedings concerning the alleged perpetrators.

SWTJC will issue timely warnings to the campus community of crimes considered to pose an ongoing threat to students and employees. SWTJC will publish and distribute an annual report of campus security policies and crime statistics to all current students and employees; provide copies of the report to applicants for enrollment or employment upon request; and submit a copy of the report to the Secretary of Education. This report will reference crimes which occur on campus, unobstructed public areas immediately adjacent to or running through campus, and certain non-campus facilities when such statistics are available from local police departments.  SWTJC will also maintain a public crime log of all crimes that occur on campus or within the patrol jurisdiction of the campus police that are reported to the campus police.

SWTJC will annually calculate and disclose institutional completion or graduation rates for all prospective and current students.

SWTJC will also publish an annual security report, which includes its policy regarding sex-related offenses, sexual assault prevention programs, education programs to promote awareness of sex offenses, administrative disciplinary procedures and sanctions for offenders, and counseling and student affairs for victims.

Before offering athletically-related student aid to a potential student-athlete, SWTJC will provide certain information on graduation rates specified by the Act to the prospective student and to the student’s parents, guidance counselor, and coach.


Clery Statistics for 2021, 2022, and 2023
Uvalde Campus Summary
Uvalde Campus Fire Summary
Del Rio Campus Summary
Eagle Pass Campus Summary
Crystal City Campus Summary


Sex Offense Policy

Emergency Response Procedures

Emergency Notification

Pregnant and Parenting Students

Pregnant and Parenting Students

In compliance with HB 1361, the pregnant and parenting student liaison for Southwest Texas Junior College is Teresa Crow. She may be reached at or (830) 591-7347.
The liaison provides information to students regarding support services and resources such as:

  • Resources to access medical and behavioral health coverage and services and public benefit programs, including programs related to food security, affordable housing, and housing subsidies;
  • Public benefit program case management assistance and counseling;
  • Parenting and child-care resources;
  • Employment assistance;
  • Financial counseling and tax preparation assistance;
  • Transportation assistance;
  • Student academic success strategies; and
  • Other resources developed by the institution to assist the students.

Title IX prohibits discrimination against a student based on pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, or recovery from any of these conditions. It also prohibits a school, college, or university from applying any rule related to a student’s parental, family, or marital status that treats students differently based on their gender. When a student returns to school, they must be allowed to return to the same academic and extracurricular status as before their medical leave began.
Under Texas SB 412, pregnant and parenting students cannot be forced out of school, to limit their studies, to attend alternative programs, to change their major, or be forced into or out of a particular course based solely on their pregnancy or parenting status.
Texas SB 459 extends early registration for parenting students if the institution of higher education provides early registration for any group of students in the same manner.

Student Handbook

Student Handbook